Palatal expanders are valuable orthodontic appliances used to widen the upper jaw and correct dental misalignments. Dr. Chandy Randall is committed to providing comprehensive orthodontic care. Through precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plans, we strive to enhance smiles and improve oral health for our patients.

Purpose and Function
Expanders are primarily used to address issues such as crowding, crossbites or narrow dental arches. By gently applying pressure to the upper jaw’s palatal bones, expanders gradually widen the arch, creating additional space for proper tooth alignment. This process can alleviate breathing difficulties, improve facial symmetry and enhance overall dental function. Expanders are typically recommended for children during their developmental years when the jaw is still growing and flexible.

Types of Expanders
There are several types of expanders available, including removable and fixed appliances. Removable expanders are worn for specific periods each day and can be adjusted as needed by our dentist. Fixed expanders, on the other hand, are cemented to the teeth and provide continuous pressure on the palate. The type of expander used depends on the patient’s orthodontic needs and treatment goals.

Benefits of Expanders
Expanders offer numerous benefits beyond just correcting dental misalignments. They can prevent the need for more invasive orthodontic procedures later in life and improve overall facial aesthetics. By creating a properly aligned bite, expanders also promote better oral health and reduce the risk of dental issues such as cavities or gum disease.

Schedule With Us
At Blue Heron Dental, we understand the transformative impact of orthodontic treatment on our patients’ smiles and overall wellbeing. With our expertise in expanders and other orthodontic techniques, we strive to deliver exceptional care and lasting results. Contact us at 208-345-1383 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how palatal expanders in Boise, Idaho, can enhance your smile.