Teeth Whitening

Do you wish you had whiter teeth?  Thanks to new materials and technology, you can have a whiter, brighter smile!

Ever notice how some people can practically light up a room with their bright, beautiful smiles?  A natural-looking, sparkling white smile can be yours with a safe, painless and effective professional tooth-whitening procedure.

Tooth Whitening is a bleaching process that reverses discolorations of enamel (the outside layer of tooth structure) to create a whiter, brighter appearance.  No natural tooth structure is lost, and no anesthetic is required.

For optimal results, we recommend a custom approach.  An impression is made of your teeth and then a custom tray is fabricated to fit your mouth.  A qualified team member will train you to place the bleaching agent.  These trays must be worn for a period of time, usually in 30 minute increments.  You will be able to purchase refills through our office and reuse the trays for many years.

Another option we offer is in-office whitening by Opalescence Boost.  Three, 20 minute applications are carefully done chairside.  After your appointment, your teeth could be up to 5 shades whiter, reversing stains from food and drinks, aging, even discoloration from some types of medication.  Custom trays are a good idea to maintain the level of white you like.

Patients Teeth Before & After Teeth Whitening