Crowns & Bridges

Crown and bridge treatment will restore lost teeth, support remaining teeth and help you maintain optimum dental health.

If you’re faced with tooth loss, crown and bridge treatment may be the right restorative option for you. This long-term solution can help prevent the cycle of problems that can occur when just one tooth is missing, such as shifting of the remaining teeth, decay, periodontal disease, and bone loss.

What is a crown?

A crown-sometimes called a “cap” is a tooth-like covering placed over a carefully prepared existing tooth. Used to strengthen, restore or improve the appearance of your natural tooth, a crown is placed on an individual tooth much like a thimble over your finger.

What is a bridge?

A bridge is a custom prosthetic anchored to neighboring teeth that replaces one or more missing teeth. When a lost tooth is replaced with bridgework, the teeth on either side of the missing one must be prepared as crowns to serve as abutments to hold the prosthetic (replacement) teeth in place. Crowns and bridges are most often made from superior materials such as semiprecious or precious metals, porcelain or a combination of metal fused to porcelain. Both appearance and function are considered when selecting the material most suitable for you.

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have throughout your crown and bridge treatment. During the process, we will do everything we can to ensure your comfort. Our goal is to help you to preserve your smile for a lifetime.